Car Accident Claim: Settle or Go to Court?

Have you been dealing with the aftermath of a catastrophic car accident? Are you unsure of what you should do to get the money you are entitled to? If so, you can get the help you need by reaching out to a qualified car crash attorney in Boston for help figuring out if you should settle your claim with the insurance company or if you should take your chances in court.

A Look at the Insurer's Offer

Unless the insurance company is going to be making you an offer that will fully address your needs, then there is no reason to settle your claim. The insurer knows that you need money, and you need it as soon as possible, and they may attempt to capitalize on this need by making you a lowball offer that does not even come close to compensating you for the full extent of your damages. For this reason, if you are attempting to negotiate with the insurance company to get the settlement you deserve, you should always have your lawyer review the offer before you accept it in order to ensure that you are not taken advantage of in your time of need.

When Going to Court Is in Your Best Interests

When the insurer has no interest in compensating you appropriately, it may be in your best interests to bring them to court. Usually, when an attorney threatens legal action against an insurer, they are far more likely to see reason, and you may be able to avoid court entirely. Furthermore, if you’re working with the insurance company of an at-fault driver, the insurer is only legally obligated to pay out up to the limits of the driver’s auto insurance policy. So if your damages exceed these limits, you’ll need to bring the driver to court to obtain full compensation for your losses.

Get Help from a Boston Car Accident Attorney

During one of the most challenging times in your life, the last thing you need is to be burdened by insurance company negotiations and legal jargon you don’t understand. You can work with a Boston car accident lawyer at Joel H. Schwartz, PC to get through the claims process and work to come out on top. Just find us online or call our office at 1-800-660-2270 to schedule your free, no-obligation claim evaluation today.


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