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Getting SSD Benefits: A Step-by-Step Guide

The impact of a disabling condition can go far beyond the physical effects that come with your injury or illness. Not only could you be struggling to cope emotionally, but you could find yourself unable to continue working. Thankfully, those who cannot work due to a disability, who also meet other specific criteria, may be entitled to social security disability benefits (SSD) through the Social Security Administration (SSA). Read on to learn more about how to apply and qualify for SSD benefits and what to do if you receive a denial letter. Applying and Qualifying for Benefits Once you have been diagnosed with a disability, you’ll need to apply for benefits. This can be done by mailing your application in to the Social Security office in your area, online, or over the phone. Although it may be tempting to file your claim online, the fastest way to get a decision regarding your claim is to apply by phone. For your claim to be approved, you will need to be disabled “enough” to be

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